TEFANZ Constitution & Policies

Constitution of the


Incorporated Society Registration Number 973718,

Incorporated 09-AUG-1999[1]  Current Status REGISTERED

The objects (purpose) of the society

The purpose of this organisation is to promote, foster and advocate for:

In order to achieve this, TEFANZ will:


Membership will be open on an institutional basis to all New Zealand providers of initial teacher education degree programmes or graduate level programmes which are approved for registration by the New Zealand Teachers Council.

Membership will also be open, on application to the Chairperson, to individual teacher educators whose institutions are not members of TEFANZ, or have retired from the teacher education profession.

Membership will be contingent upon the payment of annual Institutional and individual membership subscription fees which will be set by the Executive and ratified at the Annual General Meeting. A reduced fee for retired former members will be available.

Membership may be suspended, or a member expelled if:

If a provider institution wishes to withdraw from membership, written notice should be given to the TEFANZ Chair.

Fellow of TEFANZ: may be awarded from time to time by the Executive to a member or former member who has made an outstanding contribution to teacher education in ways that further the objectives of the Association.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

An AGM will be held during the TEFANZ annual Forum or Conference meetings. Other general meetings, workshops or seminars may be organised on recommendation of the Executive or AGM.

An AGM quorum will consist of representation by 50% of the member provider institutions.

Each member provider will be represented by one member with one vote. Individual members do not have voting rights at the AGM.

The business of the AGM will include:


Control and use of the society’s common seal

The common seal of the association will be held by the chair and use of the seal will be restricted to executive members and authorised by resolution of the executive committee.

How the society’s property will be distributed if it is wound-up or dissolved

[1] This constitution was revised and passed by motion put at the AGM, July 19, 2019.